Fish processing and smoking systems

Whether you provide us with hanging or lying fillets of fish such as salmon, mackerel, or trout, our systems can defrost, hot- or cold-smoke, and dry them.

Schröter represents decades of experience and leading international expertise.

Our systems




Fish can be processed into a tasty and healthy treat with the FISHjet®. Whether it is smoked fish, such as eel or mackerel, salmon, dried cod or stock fish, the state-of-the-art drying and smoking systems for hot and cold smoking by Schröter guarantee the preparation of many delicacies of consistently high quality.

A homogeneous uniform drying process ensures outstanding quality with minimal weight loss and appetizing color.

Customer Report

When it comes to high-quality seafood products, Koelewijn’s Haringinleggerij BV is an outstanding choice. For more than 80 years, the Dutch company has supplied saltwater fi sh, shellfi sh, and mussels to retailers, restaurants, and wholesalers worldwide. In this context, quality is the company’s top priority. And since the beginning of this year, Koelewijn has relied on production systems from Schröter.

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Customer Report
Exhaust Cleaning System
Pet Food
Vegan & Vegetarian
Vegetables & Fruit

Despite Tense Economic Situation: With its economic center Istanbul, Turkey’s strategic location has always made it a key player in the world economy. Located between Europe and Asia, Turkey acts as a trading center and transit point for goods from different regions. Over the centuries, Turkey’s rich trading history has made it a major player on the international market.

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Whether smoking is mild or strong – different products require different smoke intensities. Therefore,Schröter offers four systems for hot and cold smoking in the SMOKjet® product range: glow smoke generators for wood chips and saw dust, steam and friction smoke generators, and liquid smoke devices.

In addition, glow and steam smoke generators produce small exhaust air volumes, which can economically be cleaned by means of exhaust-air cleaning systems. By contrast, friction smoke generators have the advantage of circulatory operation, and liquid smoke systems develop smoke by means of vaporizing compressed air in closed systems. 

Customer Report

When it comes to high-quality seafood products, Koelewijn’s Haringinleggerij BV is an outstanding choice. For more than 80 years, the Dutch company has supplied saltwater fi sh, shellfi sh, and mussels to retailers, restaurants, and wholesalers worldwide. In this context, quality is the company’s top priority. And since the beginning of this year, Koelewijn has relied on production systems from Schröter.

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Customer Report
Exhaust Cleaning System
Pet Food
Vegan & Vegetarian
Vegetables & Fruit

Despite Tense Economic Situation: With its economic center Istanbul, Turkey’s strategic location has always made it a key player in the world economy. Located between Europe and Asia, Turkey acts as a trading center and transit point for goods from different regions. Over the centuries, Turkey’s rich trading history has made it a major player on the international market.

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